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Heliyon ; 10(7): e28868, 2024 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38601612


Recently, there has been a growing interest in emotional wellbeing, even from the early stages of education. In order to work wellbeing among the students it is essential to analyze the wellbeing of the teachers who are teaching and working with the children. This study examines psychological wellbeing in early childhood (0-6 years) and primary school teachers (6-12 years). The study comprised 236 early childhood and primary school teachers - 76 men (32.2%) and 160 women (67.8%) - with ages ranging from 25 to 61 years (average 37.69 years - s.d.=2.47). The study examined psychological wellbeing (happiness, eudemonic wellbeing, self-esteem, and life satisfaction) and several sociodemographic variables (gender, age, years in the job, type of contract, and educational stage). Participants answered an ad-hoc sociodemographic questionnaire and subjective happiness, eudemonic wellbeing, self-esteem, and life satisfaction standard questionnaires. Early childhood schoolteachers yielded higher wellbeing-related scores. All the wellbeing-related variables were found to be correlated with one another, except for happiness and self-esteem. Teachers working in different educational stages were found to yield significantly different wellbeing-related scores. For the first time, network analysis revealed differences in the associations of the variables under study among Early Childhood Education and Primary Education teachers. Thus, while happiness and satisfaction with life were found to be correlated in both groups, stronger correlations between self-esteem and eudaimonic wellbeing were found in early childhood education teachers, while in primary education teachers the correlation was with satisfaction with life, which indicates that early childhood teachers present greater spiritual and existential understanding, leading to eudaimonic wellbeing. These differences between educational stages are considered greatly significant. It was concluded that more research is needed, ideally with broader and longitudinal studies, to understand and describe the relationship between personal and even structural variables and wellbeing.

An. psicol ; 40(1): 76-84, Ene-Abri, 2024. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-229029


Los estilos de crianza (autoritario, democrático, permisivo y negligente) juegan un papel clave en el desarrollo personal y pueden estar relacionados con creencias y afectos agresivos en el individuo. Para examinar esta relación, 769 sujetos (359 hombres; 46.68%), con una edad promedio de 21.89 años, DT= 2.65, fueron evaluados en términos de estilos de crianza, creencias agresivas y afectos; También se exploró el papel mediador de los afectos en la relación entre creencias agresivas y estilos de crianza. El estudio reveló que estos constructos están interrelacionados. Se encontró que el estilo de crianza democrático era el más extendido. En términos de género, los estilos autoritativos se utilizaron con mayor frecuencia en hombres que en mujeres, entre los cuales el estilo permisivo fue el más común. No se encontraron diferencias de género significativas en cuanto a los estilos de crianza democráticos y negligentes. Se reveló que las mujeres estaban más expuestas a los afectos negativos y que las creencias agresivas eran más prevalentes en los hombres. Los niños educados según un estilo democrático obtuvieron puntuaciones más altas en afectos positivos y más bajas en creencias agresivas. Los estilos autoritativos tienden a conducir a puntuaciones superiores a la media en afectos positivos y creencias agresivas. Además, una de cada cinco personas educadas según un estilo permisivo obtiene una puntuación alta en afecto negativo, y una de cada cuatro personas educadas según un estilo negligente obtiene puntuaciones altas en creencias agresivas. Finalmente, se descubrió que los estilos de crianza tienen un efecto directo sobre las creencias agresivas, efecto potenciado por el papel mediador que desempeñan los afectos. En conclusión, el estudio sugiere que los estilos de crianza están relacionados con creencias y afectos agresivos. Además, se demostró que los afectos desempeñan un papel mediador en la relación entre los estilos de crianza y las creencias agresivas. Finalmente, vale la pena enfatizar que, debido a las implicaciones de gran alcance que los estilos de crianza tienen en el desarrollo psicológico, social y personal del individuo, es necesario realizar más investigaciones, no sólo para examinar su relación con los afectos y las creencias agresivas, sino también también con otras variables psicológicas implicadas en el desarrollo personal.(AU)

Parenting stiles (authoritative, democratic, permissive and ne-glectful) play a key role in personal development and can be related to ag-gressive beliefs and affects in the individual. In order to examine this rela-tionship, 769 subjects (359 men; 46.68%), with an average age of 21.89 years, SD= 2.65, were assessed in terms of parenting styles, aggressive be-liefs and affects; the mediating role of affects in the relationship between aggressive beliefs and parenting styles was also explored. The study re-vealed that these constructs are interrelated. The democratic parenting style was found to be the most widespread. In terms of gender, authorita-tive styles were used more often on men than on women, among which the permissive style was the most common. No significant gender differ-ences were found concerning democratic and neglectful parenting styles. Women were revealed to be more exposed to negative affects, and aggres-sive beliefs were found to be more prevalent in men. Children educated according to a democratic style scored higher in positive affects and lower in aggressive beliefs. Authoritative styles tend to lead to above-average scores in positive affects and aggressive beliefs. In addition, one in five people educated according to a permissive style returns a high negative af-fect score, and one in four people educated according to a neglectful style yields high scores in aggressive beliefs. Finally, parenting styles were found to have a direct effect on aggressive beliefs, an effect enhanced by the me-diating role played by affects. In conclusion, the study suggests that parent-ing styles are related to aggressive beliefs and affects. In addition, affects were shown to play a mediating role in the relationship between parenting styles and aggressive beliefs. Finally, it is worth emphasising that, owing to the far-reaching implications of parenting styles on the psychological, so-cial and personal development of the individual, more research needs to be undertaken, not only to examine their relationship with affects and aggres-sive beliefs, but also with other psychological variables involved in person-al development.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Crianza del Niño , Responsabilidad Parental , Violencia , Psicología Infantil , Psicología Educacional
Heliyon ; 9(4): e15300, 2023 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37089307


COVID-19 lockdowns involved radical changes in the habits and lifestyles of many. Notably, athletes saw their training routines altered. The relationship between lockdown effects and psychological variables was analysed using a sample comprising 1032 cyclists (average age: 42.97 years, s.d. = 8.94), taking part in the first cycling competition after lockdown. The target variables included psychological variables such as frustration tolerance, subjective vitality, autonomy self-determination, and affective status, as well as sociodemographic and training habits-related variables. The results showed that the constructs under analysis are related. Pre- and post-competition psychological variables were measured, and no significant differences were detected, except concerning subjective vitality. A regression analysis model was designed to analyse the impact of frustration tolerance, autonomy self-determination, and affective status on subjective vitality. The results reveal a lineal relationship (F = 71.789, p < .001) between subjective vitality and a set of independent variables: positive affects; health status; km of training per year; and frustration tolerance, which explain 46.7% of variance. Finally, since the variable that measures subjective vitality was shown to be significant, mediation analyses were undertaken to answer our hypothesis, following the results of the exploratory analysis. The results suggest that frustration tolerance has a direct effect on subjective vitality, and that this relationship is mediated by positive affects, health status, and km of training per year. It is concluded that exercising increases subjective vitality, which is affected by frustration tolerance, positive affects, health status and km of training per year. In addition, it can be argued that these three variables mediate the relationship between frustration tolerance and subjective vitality. Finally, it is worth stressing that, given the positive effects of exercise not only in physical health but also in psychological, social and personal wellbeing, self-determined attitudes in training should be encouraged, as this promotes self-efficacy and self-satisfaction, in both training and competition settings.

J Intell ; 10(4)2022 Dec 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36547510


The concept of intelligence has been extensively studied, undergoing an evolution from a unitary concept to a more elaborate and complex multidimensional one. In addition, several research studies have focused their efforts for decades on the study of intelligence as a predictor of academic performance of students at different educational stages, being a stable and highly relevant predictor along with other variables such as executive functions, social context, culture or parental guardianship. Thus, the present study, based on a systematic review and meta-analysis, includes 27 studies with a total sample of 42,061 individuals. The main objective was to analyse the relationship between intelligence and academic performance using different predictive models that include moderating variables such as country of origin, type of intelligence, gender and age. The findings of this research highlight the significant, positive and moderate relationship between intelligence and academic performance (r = 0.367; p < 0.001), highlighting the predictive capacity on school performance when the type of intelligence (general and implicit; 35%) or the country of origin (45%) is taken as a moderating variable, with the explanatory models on age or sex not being significant. Therefore, it can be concluded that intelligence, in addition to being a good predictor of academic performance, is influenced depending on the type of intelligence or theoretical model taken as a reference, and also depending on the country or culture of origin.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36231963


BACKGROUND: The final years of primary school (early adolescence) are regarded as key for the academic and personal development of students. This study aims to analyze the relationship between academic motivation, academic burnout, and academic performance, differentiating between adaptive and non-adaptive patterns according to the results of the three constructs studied. METHODS: The sample comprised 398 students, both male (N = 224; 56.28%) and female (N = 174; 43.71%) with ages ranging from 11 to 13 years (M = 11.49; DT = 0.52). The instruments used were the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI-SS) and the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS), as well as academic marks as a measure of performance. RESULTS: The results revealed significant correlations between the three constructs under study, the variables that can be used to predict academic performance, and both adaptive and non-adaptive behavior patterns. CONCLUSIONS: The importance of motivation, burnout, and academic performance in primary education is manifested, whose interrelation can give rise to adaptive behaviors based on high school motivation away from academic burnout that leads to a higher academic performance in students.

Rendimiento Académico , Agotamiento Profesional , Estudiantes de Medicina , Adolescente , Agotamiento Psicológico , Niño , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Motivación , Instituciones Académicas , Estudiantes , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35564445


Aggressive beliefs and attitudes are increasingly present in adolescents, and it can be argued that they are a prevalent feature of adolescence. Michel, Pace, Edun, Sawhney, and Thomas's (2014) original thirty-item scale was later shortened to a more parsimonious eight-item scale (ABA-SF). This study addresses the adaptation and validation of the brief Aggressive Beliefs and Attitudes Scale to Spanish adolescents. The sample comprised a group of Spanish adolescents (N = 771, M age = 14.01 years). A total of two studies were undertaken: (1) the scale was translated into Spanish and its internal consistency, factorial structure and convergent validity were established; and (2) factorial analysis was undertaken to confirm the questionnaire. The results yielded high scores for internal consistency, reliability (α = 0.82; Ω = 0.83) and convergent validity. The examination of the underlying nomological network revealed links with positive and negative feelings, anxiety and aggression. According to the Exploratory Factorial Analysis (EFA), the aggregate variance of the factors in the scale was 65.814%, indicating that they can explain variations in aggression levels in adolescents. For its part, the Factorial Confirmatory Analysis (FCA) confirmed the match between the translation and the model, leading to a sustainable model composed by the three factors identified and eight items: χ2 (17) = 30.693; p < 0.001; χ2/gL = 1.805; CFI = 0.968; NFI = 0.837; TLI = 0.944; RMSEA = 0.060, IC del 95% (0.048−0.072). The short scale is easy to understand and quick to complete and is thus considered a useful instrument to assess aggression levels in adolescents.

Agresión , Traducciones , Adolescente , Actitud , Humanos , Psicometría/métodos , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Children (Basel) ; 9(3)2022 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35327792


Background: During the various stages of education, adolescents undergo emotional and motivational experiences that can play key roles in their development. This study aims to analyse the relationship among academic self-efficacy, optimism, and academic performance. Methods: This study comprised 1852 adolescent (male, N = 956, 51.61% and female, N = 896, 48.38%) aged 12-19 years (M = 14.77; SD = 1.80) from twelve secondary schools in Spain. The instruments used for the evaluation were the Academic Self-Efficacy Scale (ASES) and the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R); the students' average marks were used to measure their academic performance. Results: The results of the study revealed significant correlations among self-efficacy, optimism and academic performance. Conclusions: These results emphasise the importance of academic self-efficacy as a mediating variable between the other two variables as well as its central role in the promotion of adaptive behaviours in the classroom, leading to adequate personal development, helping to prevent early school dropout and contributing to a more satisfactory academic experience.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35328983


Parental educational styles have a significant effect in personal development. These styles (authoritative, democratic, permissive and neglectful) can be related to affects and social skills at the individual level. The study presented here, which comprised 456 participants (151 men; 33.11%), with an average age of 22.01 years (s.d. = 2.80), aimed to analyse the relationship between parental styles, affects and social skills, as well as the role played by affects in the relationship between parental style and social skills. The results suggest that the constructs under study are closely related. The most common parental style is democratic. By gender, permissive styles were more often applied to women and authoritative styles to men. No significant gender differences were found in the application of democratic and neglectful parental styles. In terms of emotional support, women were found to have higher negative affect scores and men higher emotional support scores. People with parents that use democratic and permissive styles scored higher in all variables related to affects and social skills, which challenges the notion that democratic styles are the best parental styles in terms of socialisation of children. The results of the affect and social skills scales were analysed in relation to parenting styles, indicating that children educated under a democratic parental regime tend to yield higher scores in terms of social skills than children educated under any other form of parental regime and medium scores in terms of affects. Finally, it was found that parenting styles have a direct influence on social skills, which tend to improve when affects play a mediating role between these two constructs. These results suggest that parenting styles are closely related to affects and social skills. In addition, they also suggest that affects play a mediating role in the relationship between parenting styles and social skills. Finally, owing to the impact that parenting styles have on affects and social skills, more research is needed to address this issue.

Responsabilidad Parental , Habilidades Sociales , Adulto , Niño , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Relaciones Padres-Hijo , Responsabilidad Parental/psicología , Socialización , Adulto Joven
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34360220


This study examines the relationship between social skills and happiness in 1st-year Teaching School students, as well as possible gender differences. The sample comprised 243 Teaching School students (Primary Education) in Zaragoza, including 110 men (45.27%) and 133 women (54.73%), aged 18-25 (average age 20.23 years; s.d. = 1.586). In order to analyse the relationship between social skills and subjective happiness, the Scale of Social Skills and Subjective Happiness Scale were used. While men scored higher in all social skills-related factors, women scored higher in all factors related to happiness. The study shows that factors such as self-expression in social settings and the ability to say no and cut off social interactions have a direct and significant effect on happiness among men, while self-expression in social settings and the ability to express anger led to a higher perception of happiness among women. Similarly, situations such as asking for and defending rights have an indirect and significant effect in men, reducing their levels of happiness. In the case of women, no social skills factors were found that led to lower happiness. It may be concluded that significant gender differences exist, although broader and lateral studies are needed in order to examine the relationship between gender identities, social skills and subjective happiness more in depth, and thus, understand the effect of these constructs in the development of personality.

Felicidad , Habilidades Sociales , Adolescente , Adulto , Ira , Escolaridad , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Estudiantes , Adulto Joven
Psicol Reflex Crit ; 33(1): 25, 2020 Oct 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33128632


The aim of this study was to adapt and test the empathy questionnaire in Spanish adolescents (N = 701, age = 13.47 years). The study involved two different strands: (1) the questionnaire was translated into Spanish, and its internal consistency, factorial structure and convergent validity were assessed; (2) the questionnaire was subject to confirmatory factor analysis.The results of the confirmatory factor analysis show that the questionnaire's factors present an aggregate variance of 58.588%, which suggests that the questionnaire is a valid tool to represent affective empathy, cognitive empathy and empathic concern. On the other hand, the confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the sustainability of the model, which comprises three identified factors and twelve items. The empathy questionnaire is easy to understand and can be completed in a short time, so it is considered a useful tool to assess empathy in Spanish adolescents. The results are discussed in the context of theoretical accounts of empathy.

Psychol Res Behav Manag ; 13: 355-361, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32425623


BACKGROUND: Affects, both positive and negative, can act as mediators between self-esteem and happiness. The present study is undertaken among 812 university students in order to examine the relationship between these variables. METHODS: The sample included 812 university students - 361 men (44.46%) and 451 women (55.54%) - who participated voluntarily. The Positive and Negative Affect Scale, Subjective Happiness Scale and Self-Esteem Scale were the instruments used in this study. RESULTS: The results revealed that men have greater self-esteem and positive affects, while women scored higher in terms of subjective happiness. The analysis revealed a significant correlation between the variables under analysis. Positive affects show a strong positive correlation between self-esteem and happiness, while negative affects show a negative correlation. Mediation analysis suggests that affects, both positive and negative, mediate the relationship between self-esteem and subjective happiness. The results of this study may present us with new perspectives concerning the role that affects play between self-esteem and happiness. CONCLUSION: The data present evidence of the mediating role-played by affects, both positive and negative, in the relationship between self-esteem and happiness. More research is needed to examine to what extent these results can be extrapolated, and how to design measures to improve psychological health and well-being.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 33: 25, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | Index Psicología - Revistas, LILACS | ID: biblio-1143583


Abstract The aim of this study was to adapt and test the empathy questionnaire in Spanish adolescents (N = 701, age = 13.47 years). The study involved two different strands: (1) the questionnaire was translated into Spanish, and its internal consistency, factorial structure and convergent validity were assessed; (2) the questionnaire was subject to confirmatory factor analysis. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis show that the questionnaire's factors present an aggregate variance of 58.588%, which suggests that the questionnaire is a valid tool to represent affective empathy, cognitive empathy and empathic concern. On the other hand, the confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the sustainability of the model, which comprises three identified factors and twelve items. The empathy questionnaire is easy to understand and can be completed in a short time, so it is considered a useful tool to assess empathy in Spanish adolescents. The results are discussed in the context of theoretical accounts of empathy.

Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Traducciones , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Empatía , Psicometría , España , Análisis Factorial
Psychol Res Behav Manag ; 12: 877-887, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31572033


BACKGROUND: In the students' school stage can appear many psychological variables that can positively or negatively affect the academic life of the students as well as their learning process. Therefore, the present study aims to explore the relation between school motivation, goal orientation and academic performance in adolescent students. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was performed on adolescent students (N=3512) from 18 public Secondary Education (ESO) centers. The Scale of School Motivation (EME-S), the Perception of Success Questionnaire (POSQ) and academic performance, quantified by each student's mean mark, were instruments used. RESULTS: The results revealed significant relations among, on the one hand, intrinsic school motivations, task-oriented goal orientations and academic performance in a more adaptive pattern behavior and, on the other hand, relations between extrinsic motivations and ego-oriented goal orientations. The influence of intrinsic motivations, task-oriented goal orientations and low amotivation indices on predicting academic performance was deduced. CONCLUSION: The importance of promoting adaptive behaviors that improve adolescent students' academic lives focus on adequate levels of school motivation and task-oriented goal orientations at their education centers was revealed.

Psicol. educ. (Madr.) ; 25(2): 139-146, jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-185100


El bienestar eudaimónico se basa en el desarrollo de las capacidades de la persona, desde la premisa de que la gente se siente feliz si experimenta propósitos de vida, desafíos y crecimiento. Se evaluó a 1,031 estudiantes de Secundaria de 12 a 17 años (49.37% varones, Medad = 14.91 años). Se desarrollaron dos estudios: 1) se realizó la traducción del cuestionario QEWB al español y se evaluó su consistencia interna, estructura factorial y validez convergente y 2) se efectuó el análisis factorial confirmatorio del cuestionario. El análisis factorial exploratorio del cuestionario QEWB difirió de la idea de un bienestar eudaimónico unidimensional y de la formada por tres y cuatro dimensiones, mostrando un modelo de seis factores, que presenta una varianza acumulada del 57.84%, coincidente con la idea inicialmente propuesta desde la teoría. Por su parte, el análisis factorial confirmatorio confirmó la adecuación del modelo, con un modelo sustentable compuesto por los seis factores identificados originalmente y 21 ítems. El QEWB es un instrumento fácil de comprender y rápido de cumplimentar, por lo que se considera útil para la evaluación del bienestar eudaimónico en adolescentes. Como conclusiones, afirmar que este cuestionario puede ser una herramienta de rápida aplicación, válida y fiable, para determinar el bienestar eudaimónico en los adolescentes

The eudaimonic well-being is based on the development of a person’s capacities, from the premise that people feel happy if they experience life goals, challenges, and growth. We evaluated 1,031 Secondary students aged from 12 to 17 years (49.37% male, Mage = 14.91 years). Two studies were carried out: 1) the QEWB questionnaire was translated into Spanish and its internal consistency, factorial structure, and convergent validity were evaluated; and 2) the confirmatory factorial analysis of the questionnaire was carried out. The exploratory factorial analysis of the QEWB questionnaire differed from the idea of a one-dimensional eudaimonic well-being and of the three- and four-dimensional model, showing a six-factor model, which has a cumulative variance of 57.84%, coinciding with the idea initially proposed from the theory. For its part, the confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the adequacy of the model, with a sustainable model composed of the six factors originally identified and 21 items. The QEWB is an easy to understand and quick to complete instrument, a reason why it is considered useful for the evaluation of eudaimonic well-being in adolescents. As a conclusion, this questionnaire is a tool of quick application, valid, and reliable to determine the eudaimonic well-being in the adolescents

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Bienestar Social/psicología , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Características Culturales , Psicometría , España
Psicol Reflex Crit ; 32(1): 4, 2019 Jan 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32025973


Internalizing problems (depression, anxiety, social anxiety, somatic complaints, post-traumatic symptoms, and obsession-compulsion) are very important in adolescents' development. These problems can be related with people who lack social skills and poorly handle their emotions. This study assessed 1358 secondary education students (12-17 years) to analyze the relationship linking internalizing problems, emotional intelligence, and social skills. The results showed not only how these constructs were related, but how students' internalizing problems varied according to their emotional intelligence and social skills. They also indicated that two in every three males, and just over one in every two females, obtained high scores for internalizing problems. The model showed a good fit: χ2(85) = 201.161 p < 0.001; χ2/gl = 2.367; CFI = 0.919; NFI = 0.869; TLI = 0.900; RMSEA = 0.075, IC 95% (0.062-0.089). Finally, gender influenced the way that internalizing problems, emotional intelligence, and social skills were related, and an inverse relation appeared to link internalizing problems, emotional intelligence (r = - .77), and social skills (r = - .52) for females, while this relationship was poorer for males. By way of conclusion, we state that internalizing problems are related with emotional intelligence and social skills in secondary education students, but this relationship differs according to gender.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 32: 4, 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-984848


Internalizing problems (depression, anxiety, social anxiety, somatic complaints, post-traumatic symptoms, and obsession-compulsion) are very important in adolescents' development. These problems can be related with people who lack social skills and poorly handle their emotions. This study assessed 1358 secondary education students (12-17 years) to analyze the relationship linking internalizing problems, emotional intelligence, and social skills. The results showed not only how these constructs were related, but how students' internalizing problems varied according to their emotional intelligence and social skills. They also indicated that two in every three males, and just over one in every two females, obtained high scores for internalizing problems. The model showed a good fit: χ2(85) = 201.161 p <0.001; X2/g/ = 2.367; CFI = 0.919; NFI = 0.869; TLI = 0.900; RMSEA = 0.075, IC 95% (0.062-0.089). Finally, gender influenced the way that internalizing problems, emotional intelligence, and social skills were related, and an inverse relation appeared to link internalizing problems, emotional intelligence (r = - .77), and social skills (r = - .52) for females, while this relationship was poorer for males. By way of conclusion, we state that internalizing problems are related with emotional intelligence and social skills in secondary education students, but this relationship differs according to gender.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Conducta del Adolescente/psicología , Inteligencia Emocional , Habilidades Sociales , Identidad de Género , Trastornos Mentales/psicología , Estudiantes , Educación Primaria y Secundaria , Desarrollo del Adolescente
J Adolesc ; 60: 39-46, 2017 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28750267


Self-efficacy affects our students' academic results, which may be related to people's social skills and emotional intelligence. This study included 1402 (50.71% males) Secondary Education Spanish students (12-17 years), and analysed the relation of self-efficacy with emotional intelligence and social skills. It showed how these constructs were related, and how the self-efficacy perceived by students varied according to their social skills and emotional intelligence. Gender did not influence self-efficacy, social skills and emotional intelligence. These variables showed similar correlation indices in females and males. Self-efficacy was related with social skills and emotional intelligence in Secondary Education students, but this relation was not gender-sensitive. More studies and research are needed to study and describe these variables according to gender from other perspectives. One proposal is to investigate the association between gender identity and self-efficacy and social skills and emotional intelligence to better understand how these constructs participate in adolescent development.

Inteligencia Emocional , Autoeficacia , Factores Sexuales , Habilidades Sociales , Estudiantes/psicología , Adolescente , Desarrollo del Adolescente , Adulto , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Actual. psicol. (Impr.) ; 31(122)jun. 2017.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1505582


Uno de los problemas más graves a los que se enfrenta la sociedad actual resulta el consumo de drogas por parte de la población infantil y juvenil. La práctica deportiva puede actuar como factor de prevención del consumo; se la considera como uno de los hábitos más representativos de un estilo de vida saludable. Por ello, el objetivo del estudio es analizar la relación e influencia de la motivación hacia la práctica deportiva en el consumo de alcohol, tabaco y cannabis de adolescentes deportistas escolares. Los resultados desprenden influencias significativas de motivaciones intrínsecas, extrínsecas y falta de motivación en las diferentes prevalencias de consumo en unos patrones de comportamiento más o menos autodeterminados y adaptativos.

One of the most serious problems faced by our society is the use of drugs by young people. Sports practice can act as a preventive factor being one of the most representative habits of a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, the objective of the study is to analyze the relationship and influence of motivation towards sports practice in the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and cannabis of school sports adolescents. The results reveal significant influences of intrinsic, extrinsic motivations and lack of motivation in the different prevalence of consumption in more or less self-determined and adaptive behavior patterns.

Psicol Reflex Crit ; 30(1): 12, 2017 Jun 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32026091


BACKGROUND: Working memory capacity and fluent intelligence influence cognitive capacity as a predictive value of success. In line with this, one matter appears, that of mind wandering, which partly explains the variability in the results obtained from the subjects who do these tests. A recently developed measure to evaluate this phenomenon is the Mind-Wandering Questionnaire (MWQ). OBJECTIVE: The objective of this work was to translate into Spanish the MWQ for its use with adolescents and to validate it and to analyze its relation with these values: self-esteem, dispositional mindfulness, satisfaction with life, happiness, and positive and negative affects. METHODS: A sample of 543 secondary students: 270 males (49.72%) and 273 females (50.28%) were used, who completed the questionnaire, and also did tests of self-esteem, dispositional mindfulness, satisfaction with life, happiness, and positive and negative effects. The transcultural adaptation process followed these steps: translation, back translation, evaluation of translations by a panel of judges, and testing the final version. RESULTS: Validity analyses were done of the construct (% explained variance = 52.1), and internal consistency was high (α = .766). The coefficients of correlation with the self-esteem, MASS, satisfaction with life, happiness, and affects scales confirmed the questionnaire's validity, and a multiple regression analysis (R 2 = 34.1; model F = 24.19. p < 0.001) was run. CONCLUSIONS: The Spanish version of the questionnaire obtained good reliability coefficients and its factorial structure reliably replicated that obtained by the original measure. The results indicate that the Spanish version of the MWQ is a suitably valid measure to evaluate the mind-wandering phenomenon.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 30: 12, 2017. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-909788


Background: Working memory capacity and fluent intelligence influence cognitive capacity as a predictive value of success. In line with this, one matter appears, that of mind wandering, which partly explains the variability in the results obtained from the subjects who do these tests. A recently developed measure to evaluate this phenomenon is the Mind-Wandering Questionnaire (MWQ). Objective: The objective of this work was to translate into Spanish the MWQ for its use with adolescents and to validate it and to analyze its relation with these values: self-esteem, dispositional mindfulness, satisfaction with life, happiness, and positive and negative affects. Methods: A sample of 543 secondary students: 270 males (49.72%) and 273 females (50.28%) were used, who completed the questionnaire, and also did tests of self-esteem, dispositional mindfulness, satisfaction with life, happiness, and positive and negative effects. The transcultural adaptation process followed these steps: translation, back translation, evaluation of translations by a panel of judges, and testing the final version. Results: Validity analyses were done of the construct (% explained variance = 52.1), and internal consistency was high (α = .766). The coefficients of correlation with the self-esteem, MASS, satisfaction with life, happiness, and affects scales confirmed the questionnaire's validity, and a multiple regression analysis (R 2= 34.1; model F= 24.19. p< 0.001) was run. Conclusions: The Spanish version of the questionnaire obtained good reliability coefficients and its factorial structure reliably replicated that obtained by the original measure. The results indicate that the Spanish version of the MWQ is a suitably valid measure to evaluate the mind-wandering phenomenon. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Atención Plena , Psicometría , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Traducciones , España